Prevention of Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAI)
HAIs or nosocomial infections are a major threat to patient safety.
They require an efficient analysis and effective control. But in particular sustainable prevention measures.
Classical prevention strategies are the interruption of the infection transmission by reinforcing hand hygiene, isolation measures and surveillance. However, in case of HAI outbreaks that have been caused by multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacteria (MDRGN bacteria), wastewater systems have to be considered as potential source of germs and therefore to be investigated. Wastewater and biofilm in drain systems provide ideal conditions for colonisation and persistence of MDRGN bacteria like Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumanii, Klebsiella pneumonia or Escherichia coli.
There have been several reports in the news on outbreak situations caused by contaminated siphons in patient rooms. Odour traps under sinks and baby bath tubs are open pathogen reservoirs and sources for emitting bacteria.
Water flowing into the sink drain produces aerosols on the surface of the seal water which can - depending on the bacterial contamination of the seal water - lead to a transmission of bacteria from the seal water to the hands of patients or to the surrounding surfaces.
The MoveoSiphon ST24 provides an effective outbreak protection. It continuously and completely cleans and disinfects the trap liquid in the odour trap under the sink automatically. The trap liquid is disinfected by means of thermal disinfection whilst the vibration cleaning prevents a biofilm formation. Thus, the odour trap is permanently excluded being a pathogen reservoir and source of outbreaks.
Sensitive areas in hospitals as neonatal units, intensive care units or transplant units could benefit from this kind of “sink disinfection” as the prevention of a retrograde contamination by infected aerosols is particularly important for seriously ill patients and premature babies. The hygiene siphon prevents the outbreak of HAI caused by waterborne bacteria arising from the water in the odour trap.
As a result, the antibiotic consumption is reduced and the incidence of resistance to antibiotics decreases.
The problem area
Sink drains under wash basins in clinics and hospitals are open pathogen reservoirs and sources for emitting bacteria.1,2,3 They contain on average 105-1010 CFU/ml of bacteria, including 103 - 106 CFU/ml of gram-negative rods.4
Water flowing into the sink drain produces aerosols on the surface of the seal water which can emit the bacteria up to a distance of 1.5 metres around the siphon.5
In case of bacterial contamination of the seal water of >105 CFU/ml so many microorganisms are carried into the air in the room that a measureable transmission of bacteria from the seal water to the hands of patients or staff takes place.2,6
Numerous clinical investigations prove:
conventional sink drains do not fulfi l the high hygiene standards needed in invasive intensive care.4,5
1) Döring et al. (1991), Zbl. Hyg. 191: 494-505;
2) Sissoko et al. (2004), Hygiene & Medizin, 29 (12): 451-455;
3) Sissoko et al.(2005), Hygiene & Medizin, 30 (4): 72-76;
4) Kramer et al. (2011), Krankenhaus- und Praxishygiene, 2.Aufl age, Verlag Urban & Fischer, München;
5) Döring et al., Epidemiol. Infect. (1993), 110: 427-43
The MoveoSiphon operating function
The thermo disinfection carried out by the MoveoSiphon fulfils at least the standards of the technical process of pasteurization by means of heating (10 to 15 seconds at 85°C). In the process the unit heats up to the set tem-perature (85°C) and slowly cools down while the subsequent vibration cleaning takes place.
Once the minimum set temperature has been reached (75°C), the heating process and thus the disinfection cleaning cycle recommence once again.
If no interruption is caused by additional water infl ow, then the entire process is completed after 5-6 cycles in a period of approximately one hour and the MoveoSiphon switches into standby mode until water fl ows in again.
1) von Saene et al. (1989), Epidem. Inf. , 102: 231-238; 2) Döring et al. (1991), Zbl. Hyg. 191: 494-505; 3) Sissoko et al. (2004), Hygiene & Medizin, 29 (12): 451-455; 4) Sissoko et al.(2005), Hygiene & Medizin, 30 (4): 72-76; 5) Kramer et al. (2011), Krankenhaus- und Praxishygiene, 2.Aufl age, Verlag Urban & Fischer, München; 6) Döring et al., Epidemiol. Infect. (1993), 110: 427-43
The most important facts about theMoveoSiphon ST24


7-log stages

Fast effect

Thermal disinfection

Free of biofilms

Reduction of nosocomial infections

1) Hygiene Nord GmbH/Greifswald, Prüfbericht A 13228, 17.12.2013;
2) Sissoko und Sütterlin (2004), Vortrag 7. internationaler Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Krankenhaushygiene DGKH, Berlin;
3) Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 2013 (Suppl 2) DGKJ-PO-12-11
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“We make a difference in hygiene and disinfection”
It is our intention to be true to this motto, to make a useful contribution to the prevention of nosocomial infections.
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Medica 2022
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MoveoSiphon ST 24: Prevention of Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT)

Multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria in sink traps
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